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This LinkGallery At the End of the World
2475 N. Lake Ave,
Alatdena 91001
Opening: August 2-5
Opening Reception Fri Aug. 3rd 6:30 - late
Reg Hours noon-5pm
"The every-other-monthly Openings we throw are somewhere approaching legendary. We like to host amazing art parties where hundreds of crazy little cats and kitties come out to play and dance and drink and, umm, look at art. Art BBQ. Mimosa & Bloody Mary Brunch. Call it an Art Bender Weekend (thanks, Shug). Freakin' legendary. We are, truly, at the end of the world, the last gallery you'll meet at the top of the street before it yields to raw wilderness in the Angeles National Forest. Drive north on Lake Avenue until you think there could not posisbly be anything else up there,... and then drive north a little more. There we are. Come check it out."
Gallery at the End of the World MySpace Page